P1PK blood group system - definição. O que é P1PK blood group system. Significado, conceito
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O que (quem) é P1PK blood group system - definição

MNS antigen system         
  • Blood compatibility testing}}
MN blood group; Mnss blood-group system; MN gene; MkNk; MNS blood group
The MNS antigen system is a human blood group system based upon two genes (glycophorin A and glycophorin B) on chromosome 4. There are currently 50 antigens in the system,Daniels G, Flegel WA, Fletcher A, et al.
Kidd antigen system         
  • Blood compatibility testing}}
Kidd antigen; Kidd blood group; Kidd antigen group; Kidd blood-group system; Kidd system; Jka antigen
The Kidd antigen system (also known as Jk antigen) are proteins found in the Kidd's blood group, which act as antigens, i.e.
Rh factor         
  • 1. This is the Rh-positive blood cell.<br>2. This is the Rh-negative blood cell.<br>3. These are the antigens on the Rh-positive blood cell that make it positive. The antigens allow the positive blood cell to attach to specific antibodies.
  • This is a Punnett square for Rh factor inheritance. This square specifically shows two heterozygous Rh positive parents and the possible genotypes/phenotypes the offspring could have.
Rhesus factor; Rh factor; Rh Negative; Rh Blood Group System; Rh Factor; Rh negative; Rh positive; Rh-; Rhesus Factor (Rh factor); Rhesus Factor (Rh Factor); Rhesus Factor; Rhesus positive; Rhesus negative; Rh-hr blood-group system; Rhesus antigen; Rh blood groups; Negative Rh factor; Positive Rh factor; Rh+; Rh D; Rhesus blood group system; Rhesus Negative; Rh system; Rh antigen; Wiener notation; R2R2 cell; R2 R2 cell; R2R2 cells; Weak D; Rh-negative; Golden blood; RhD antigen; Rh(D) antigen; Rh antigen system; Rh group; Rh blood; RH group; Rh type; RH type; RH blood; RH antigen; Rh factor sensitization; Rh null; Rh null blood; Rhnull; Rhnull blood
The Rh factor is the same as the rhesus factor


P1PK blood group system
P1PK (formerly: P) is a human blood group system (International Society of Blood Transfusion system 003) based upon the A4GALT gene on chromosome 22. The P antigen (later renamed P1) was first described by Karl Landsteiner and Philip Levine in 1927.